26 May 2009

Vi tvitrer

Vi beklager at det ikke har skjedd noe særlig her den siste tiden. Både Philter og jeg har begynt å tvitre. Vi vil i framtiden kun bruke denne bloggen til å publisere lengre artikler.

Du kan følge oss på Twitter her:
- Trond Landaas: http://twitter.com/trondlandaas
- Philter: http://twitter.com/philter99/ (Eller den mer aktive, jobbrelaterte http://twitter.com/nordicons)

13 May 2009

Hva bokbransjen bør gjøre

Glimrende råd fra Chris Meadows til bokbransjen:
Publishers need to stop attacking the symptom of piracy, and focus their attention on the disease of the anti-consumer practices that are making legitimate e-books difficult or impossible to obtain. Until they can pay more than lip service to the idea of rational pricing and availability, disgruntled would-be customers will get what they want however they can.
Hentet fra: E-book piracy keeping pace with e-book popularity, TeleRead, 12. mai 2009.

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