Wikipediaspill: Wikigroaning
Regler: Finn to sammenlignbare artikler i Wikipedia, en om et seriøst emne og en om et ikke så seriøst emne, og se hvor mye kortere og dårligere den seriøse artikkelen er. Mer her: The Art of Wikigroaning, (Something Awful, 5. jun. 2007), (via, 7. jun. 2007).
The premise is quite simple. First, find a useful Wikipedia article that normal people might read. For example, the article called "Knight." Then, find a somehow similar article that is longer, but at the same time, useless to a very large fraction of the population. In this case, we'll go with "Jedi Knight." Open both of the links and compare the lengths of the two articles. Compare not only that, but how well concepts are explored, and the greater professionalism with which the longer article was likely created. ...
Mine favoritter:
- Modern warfare vs. Lightsaber combat
- John Locke vs. John Locke (Lost)
- Outer space vs. Star Wars
- Category: American philosphers vs. List of big-bust models and performers
- Latin vs. Klingon language
Dette fikk meg til å tenke: Hvis ungdommen som skriver om popkultur i Wikipedia i dag, fortsetter å skrive i Wikipedia når de blir eldre, godt utdannet og klokere, vil de antagelig skrive lange og gode artikler om seriøse emner. Da vil Wikipedia bli bra da!
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