06 March 2008

NRK bruker teknologien

NRKs Eirik Solheim blir intervjuet om NRKs satsning på BitTorrent distribusjonen av egenprodusert materiale, så som f. eks. Lars Monsen på tur. Distribusjonen skjer i et ikkeproprietært format uten DRM.

Solheim blir stilt det opplagte spørsmålet av intervjueren:
By offering DRM-free versions of your products in a non proprietary standard you are pretty much giving up control over it – do you fear any misuse?
Svaret er godt:
If you want control of your content you need to lock it down in a vault and never show it to anyone. We gave up control of our content the day we started roadcasting. For years our most popular content have been available on BitTorrent and on sites like YouTube anyway. DRM doesn’t work. The only way to control your content is to be the best provider of it. If people want it on YouTube then you should publish it on YouTube or in a system that give the same experience. If people want it on BitTorrent then you should provide that. If you do it right people will come to your official publish point and you’ll end up with more control.
Smak på denne setningen en gang til: The only way to control your content is to be the best provider of it.

Så enkelt kan det være. Tenk om flere innholdsleverandører hadde tenkt slik.

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