01 October 2005

Profilintervju med Tim O'Reilly

Wired Magazines profilintervju med forleggeren, forfatteren og internettguruen Tim O'Reilly anbefales:
... O'Reilly's radar is legendary. It works on country roads and on the information sea. It told him there was a market for consumer-friendly computer manuals and that he could build a great business publishing them. It helped him understand the significance of the World Wide Web before there were browsers to surf it. And it led him to identify and proselytize technologies like peer-to-peer, syndication, and Wi-Fi before most people had even heard of them at all. As a result, "Tim O'Reilly's radar" is kind of a catchphrase in the industry.
Link: The Trend Spotter, Wired Magazine, 2005, (via Boing Boing)


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